Monday, July 14, 2014

Married to Rogue by Donna Lee Simpson

Lady Emily Sedgley was banished to the wilds of Yorkshire when her marriage fell apart.  Lady Emily and her estranged husband, Baxter, the Marquess of Sedgley even have a legal seperation.

Emily has gotten bored in her banishment and is returning to London for the Season.  Her husband arrives in London after years on the Continent with his mistress, an actress, in tow.  Baxter is stunned when he sees Emily across a crowded theater and realizes that he still desires her.  However, Emily has attracted the attention of a young French suitor and Baxter has mysterious accidents.  Baxter's mother pops up several times demanding that Emily loose weight so she can attract Baxter (like that was needed!) and they can secure the line.

My only issue with this book is the minor story line revolving around Grishelda May van Hoffen.  She is introduced as Grishelda and referred to Grishelda then the character announces the prefers May.  That story line is continued in the next book.

Both the characters of Emily and Baxter were well developed.  As a reader, I felt empathy toward Emily for being stuck in the country and only having food to keep herself happy.  Baxter was finally realizing that he let his mother ruin their relationship and what a mistake that was.

This book was originally published in 2000 under the title Lady Delafont's Dilemma.  I am not going to quibble over the issue that normally the title does not match the last name in English Aristocracy.  I am just glad that the book was republished and I got to read it!

I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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