Nathaniel Gresham marries Lady Devere because as the eldest son of the Duke of Langford, it is his duty to marry a woman of equal social standing. Violet is tired of being under her families thumb. Her grandmother, the dowager Countess of Morely makes her wear dresses that are abominable and controls everything she does. Even her lady's made is controlled by her grandmother. Now that she is married to Nathaniel, she is going to stop wearing what her grandmother demands and enjoy life.
I got to 12% in the book and lost interest. The book started out plodding along and the pace did not change. I will admit that I skipped to the end of the book and that was the most interesting part of the book. Basically, the marriage, some of Violet transforming into something her "grandmother" isn't dictating then the end. That would have made a good novella. From the synopsis, the book looked interesting, but I could not read any further. Tossed into the DNF pile.
I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.
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