Den of Sin is a multi-authored series that revolves around a fictional hotel called "The Beaudelaire". This is the fourth "Season" of books. This season revolves around the Beaudelaires, the family that owns and operates the hotel. I received a bundle of three of the five books in this season to review. I requested it because I was intrigued with the concept of the connecting books and their themes.
Oh my goodness, Lucian is a hunk in a business suit. I loved the chemistry between Courtney and Lucian. Lucian has been the star of Courtney's fantasies for the past year and he has been attracted to her as well. I liked how it Courtney's divorce is just mentioned not beat into your head. (Yea, she put her husband through school then he divorced her.) I have read books that it was almost a secondary character. It is just used to explain why she is reluctant to keep the romance going after they return home. I loved the writing style and found the book hot. My poor e-reader is melting from just the first two books!
I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
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